Sonntag, 22. April 2012

# 346 back in town

hi london.
i'm back, darling. i have to admit that i missed you quite a lot actually. can't you just spit out some people that are as lovely as my friends back home? that would make everything easier. i mean i've met some pretty decent people already but noone who really "touched" me. and all that a bit quicker please, i'm not very patient. thanks, love.
(p.s.: i know that this is pointless and you'll play around with me anyway, you cheeky cunt. i guess i'll meet the best people ever right before i have to leave or something, haha)

so yeah, at the moment i feel quite homesick because my holidays were just perfect and i realized how much i need those people in my life. otherwise, i'm irrevocably and madly in love with london. and that's why i'll stop whining now because i only have a few months left and i should enjoy them.

1 Kommentar:

lottatatataaa hat gesagt…

ahhh, das kommt mir bekannt vor. nach meinem weihnachtsurlaub in berlin hatte ich auch schreckliches heimweh als ich nach irland zurück gekehrt bin. was fürn scheiß, ey.
und um leute aufzureißen: ich hab beim rauchen vorm pub immer dumm leute angequatscht. manchmal voll die belanglosen gespräche, aber am ende sind zwei echt tolle bekanntschaften dabei rumgekommen.
ich wünsche dir auf jeden fall noch eine schöne zeit in london.

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